Celebrating World Autism Day? Bring a puppet to school. World Autism Day is always an opportunity to shine …
The first of our intermittent blogs during the #AARE2022 conference. If you want to cover a session at the …
“Ring the bells that can still ring, Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack, a crack in …
Kids with learning and behavioural difficulties couldn’t possibly tell us anything about quality teaching… could they? Anti-inclusion sentiment has reached fever pitch following the most recent Hearing of the Disability Royal Commission; one that aimed to hear both sides of a so-called “binary” debate. If folks were hoping the hearing would prove that it’s all …
“If we are to reach our people. All people, if we are to remain connected…we must understand that …
From GSCS SIG Symposium: Exploring sexuality and gender diversity throughout school communities: Students, parents and educators Where schools …
Caleb had trouble sitting still and was first suspended from his school in grade 4. From then on he was “suspended every week from that school and it just kept going from there.” Michael recalled when he was placed in “what was called the naughty class”. “They just grabbed all the troublemakers in school and …
For one in three university students in our study, their experiences are negative. This appears to contribute to a spiral of stress, disengagement and mental health difficulties. …
The use of a teaching practice known as ‘differentiation’ has become more common over time as educators have sought to respond to increases in the diversity of students enrolling in their local school. The term is now used widely by Australian teachers and school leaders, as well as policy makers. For example, according to the …
We should see significant changes for children with disabilities in NSW schools if the recently released recommendations by …