About this blog

Australian educational researchers continually produce quality research  used across Australia, and internationally, to influence educational policy and practice.

Classrooms in the nearest school to you are using something, or doing something, that came from research carried out by members of the Australian Association for Research in Education.

We are very good at talking about all of this and sharing opinions about educational issues among ourselves, often in language that is impenetrable by anyone who is not an academic.

This AARE blog is our first joint effort to reach out and talk directly to you about our work and our opinions.

We want parents, teachers, educational leaders, members of school communities, politicians, journalists and anyone who is interested in education today, to read this blog and give us feedback.


We will be delighted if you leave a comment* or share our posts with your social media networks.

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AARE Members

Please note that the views expressed on this blog are not necessarily the official views of the Australian Association for Research in Education.

The AARE encourages and supports its members to develop as public intellectuals, and recognises the importance of academic freedom.

* Please be aware we do not publish links within comments or replies from readers.

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