The authors are presenting their research on recognising ‘Zombie Data’ across its lifecycle in education systems at the AARE conference today PPIE SIG 3 Concurrent Session 5 “We collect it [the data] all throughout the year and I’ve never actually seen what happens with it. Where does it go and what is it used for?” …
Are our schools making the kids we think we should? The tussle between politics and education continues and Latham is just the blunt end of what is now the assumed modus operandi of school policy in Australia. Many readers of this blog no doubt will have noticed a fair amount of public educational discussion about NSW’s …
The recent banning of smart phones in public schools by several state governments shows Australian policymakers are concerned about children’s use of technology and social media in school time. But what about the way our schools use digital technologies and, in particular, how the data collected by schools about our children is being used? We …
Electronic data is increasingly being collected in our schools without people being fully aware of what is happening. We should be concerned about the amount of data being collected via apps and commercial software used by schools and teachers for varying reasons. We need to ask questions such as: How is that data being stored …