rural and remote education in Australia

Why we should ditch metrocentricity now (and read about a new book too)

By Sally Patfield and Naomi Barnes

We are coming to the end of the conference but still happy to take blogs about papers you heard and papers you’ve given. I’m on Sally Patfield, Senior Research Fellow, Teachers and Teaching Research Centre, School of Education, The University of Newcastle writes on the Rural Education Symposium Knowledge and rurality: Deconstructing geographic narcissism

My urgent wish list for Australian education

By Caroline Mansfield

Each day this week, EduResearch Matters will publish the views of educational leaders on the state of education

Now there’s one surefire way to stop the brain drain

By Ella Dixon

The pandemic has brought about an energetic rethinking of the role and nature of higher education into the

Examining the crucial role of remote education tutors: Who are they? What problems do they face?

By Karen Peel, Patrick Danaher and Brad McLennan

The events of 2020 have shone a spotlight on learning remotely from home as schools and teachers shifted their classes online.  However, for many children in Australia, distance education, that is education delivered in the home, is the norm rather than a response to exceptional pandemic circumstances. Central to the delivery of distance education in

New evidence: Stark inequity of online access for rural and remote students

By Cathy Stone and Monica Davis

It’s long been known that those in regional and remote areas of Australia do not have access to

Offline distance education (already happening all around Australia) can be highly successful

By Natalie Downes and Philip Roberts

As many of our children continue with their online learning, there is concern that those with limited access

Online schooling and distance ed? Don’t be afraid, we’ve been doing and improving it for 100 years

By Philip Roberts and Natalie Downes

Amid all the concerns about closing schools and setting up online learning In Australia it is important to

Evidence on what doesn’t work for very remote schools (attendance strategies) and what does

By John Guenther

The Australian school information website My School was launched in January 2010. In the initial press release of the website, the Chair of the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority, which runs the site, stated We expect the data will benefit parents, schools, governments and the wider community to better understand school performance. Now, with

Leading ed researchers respond to Australian Govt’s review of rural, regional and remote education

By Melyssa Fuqua for the Rural Education Special Interest Group of the AARE

Response to the report of the Independent Review into Regional, Rural and Remote Education (IRRRRE) We welcome the

Creative industries are essential for our future economy. What are they? How our roadshow helps schools open CI futures for their students

By Kathryn Grushka

The Creative Industries were included as a Strategy for 21st Century Australia by the Australian Government back in