Republish button

We now have a Republish This Article button on some of our posts. The button is found at the end of the post. If a post has the button you may republish that particular article ( and only that article) for free under Creative Commons License 4.0 subject to following our guidelines. This republish button is similar to the one used by The Conversation

If you are republishing online we ask you to use the specific html available under the Republish This Article button. You do not have permission to change or remove any of the text, including the byline and bios.

Republish Guidelines

By republishing our article you are agreeing to the following guidelines.

AARE republishing guidelines

  1. Do not edit the article unless you obtain approval from the author.
  2. Credit the author and their institution.
  3. Credit EduResearch Matters and link to our home page.
  4. If you are republishing online use our Republish This Article button.
  5. Our available articles cannot be sold but can be republished on a page containing advertisements.
  6. If you want to republish the images in our articles you have to confirm that you are licensed to do so.
  7. You cannot systematically republish all of our available articles without contacting and confirming with us.

Articles that do not have the button are not immediately available for republishing. However if you are interested in republishing an article that does not have the button please contact Jenna at she will  be able to facilitate it for you.