higher education funding

Budget 2024: The government must support universities, students – and research

By Abigail Payne with data analysis from Ana Gamarra-Rondinel and Steeve Marchand

This is the third in a series of posts on the 2024 Budget. Today: higher education by the

How universities have become big business

By Ann Sardesai, Lee Parker and James Guthrie

Australian public universities have undergone extensive policy reforms since the 1980s, driven by neoliberal ideologies that emphasise free

Universities Accord: Why this urgent deadline is mission (almost) impossible

By Andrew Norton

Every year Job-ready Graduates continues, with the top student contribution now above $15,000 a year, students charged this amount sink further into a debt that will take them many years, and potentially decades, to pay off.

O’Shea: All I want for higher education now and tomorrow

By Sarah O'Shea

Fresh from delivering a widely-applauded keynote at this year’s HERDSA conference, “Fragility or tenacity? Equity and participation in

Ditch the widgets. Start investing in their amazing futures

By Daniel Edwards

The cost of teaching a student from a low SES background is significantly higher than for more advantaged