public schooling in Australia

We know Australia has a private/public divide. But there’s even more inequality

By Joel Windle, Laura Perry and Quentin Maire

A major driver of inequality in contemporary education systems internationally is the segregation of students from different social

Why is the acting minister trying to damage Australian education?

By Anna Sullivan

Part two of a two-part series in response to Stuart Robert’s comments last week. Yesterday: Rachel Wilson on Dud teachers or a dud minister? Here are the facts Australia is facing a teacher shortage crisis. Schools are struggling to find enough teachers to teach their students. The situation is extremely dire. For example, modelling indicates that

Public schools DO account for their funding: Public school autonomy processes are onerous and exacting

By Scott Eacott and Richard Niesche

Among the turmoil generated by COVD19 for schools – are they open, are they closed, staggered attendance, online learning – and significant planning and workload on schools leaders and educators, the New South Wales Auditor-General released a report reviewing needs-based equity funding under the NSW Local Schools, Local Decisions (LSLD) reform. The timing of the

Let’s stop talking about school choice and reconfigure what we are doing in Australia

By Stewart Riddle and David Cleaver

In a perfect world, public schooling would be able to honour its mission to provide access to high

The creeping commercialisation of public schools

By Anna Hogan

The privatisation of public education is attracting a lot of attention around the world but what is happening

Private interests shaping public education: let’s not follow the US example

By Christopher Lubienski

Private interests are playing an increasingly prominent role in public education. It is a global trend that is

Proud to be public: claiming back the essence of public schooling in Australia

By Alan Reid

A large achievement gap between rich and poor blights Australian education – and the gap appears to be widening. Australia is near the bottom of OECD countries in terms of equity in education. A major cause of the gap is that successive governments have diminished the strength of public education and, in so doing, increased