creative and critical thinking (CCT)

Love this: Creativity Can Be Measured – in Diverse Ways. What we can learn from PISA

By Daniel Harris

The latest on PISA Creative Thinking results: Kylie Murphy: PISA results show thinking can be cultivated. Australian teachers

Fourth in the whole world! Yet the government doesn’t care

By Daniel Harris

Since PISA released its first creative thinking test results last week, there has been a flurry of commentary

Fourth in the world in creative thinking: how good!?!?

By Kylie Murphy

For the first time, global PISA data includes an assessment of fifteen-year-old students’ ‘creative thinking’. The 2022 results for this new measure are now out – and the implications challenge some beliefs about teaching creative thinking.  Australia ranks fourth among the eighty-one participating countries. Australia’s ranking on creative thinking positions us just behind Singapore, South Korea,

We can teach it so much better once we know what it is

By Kylie Murphy, Steve Murphy and Nathaniel Swain

‘Critical’ and ‘creative’ are commonly used terms, but shared understandings of these terms are less frequent. Critical and