
School exclusion: what this heartbreaking work tells us

By Mati Keynes, Samara Hand, Beth Marsden and Archie Thomas

Numbers show school exclusion is on the rise. But there is very little evidence to show it is an effective mechanism for improving or managing student behaviour. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, students with a disability, or living in out of home care continue to be significantly overrepresented in suspension and exclusion statistics. These

The future of teaching: what we must find out

By Viv Ellis

What will it mean to be a teacher – and teach – in the future? What should be the relationships between schools and communities, young people and school systems? How can we overcome the challenges currently faced by teachers and by schools to imagine new futures for teachers and teaching? The Wednesday evening of the

ICYMI – here are all the blog posts from the conference

That was a huge week at the AARE conference hosted and we had so many excellent contributions. Many thanks to all of you who contributed during the conference, making time despite a huge and very busy conference. All the blogs are here, in reverse chronological order, from the pre conference through to the wrap the

And now, that’s a wrap for #AARE2023. Thanks for the memories

By Ellen Larsen

UNE’s Sally Larsen on the conference At the conclusion of AARE 2023, the esteemed editor of this blog 😉 has asked me for my thoughts on two things. First to give a bit of context for the paper that was awarded the Early Career Researcher Award; second to make some links to the position of

Fingers crossed our site outage is over

Hello EduResearch Matters subscribers, You will have noticed our site has been behaving badly. We hope it is

Site outage

Hello readers, You may have noticed the AARE site has been inconsistent lately. We are having some issues

Two great posts you must read

Friday, why the future of professional experience may be in peril. Monday, why the Teacher Education Expert Panel’s

Why you need to spot the invisible elephant

By Teresa Swift, Lina Markauskaite, Peter Goodyear, Cara Wrigley and Genevieve Mosely

TODAY Thursday April 27: Webinar is 4 pm – 5 pm (AEST). For more information and registration, please

Can humans and machines co-exist in education? And read on to discover why STEM matters

By Sarah Langman and Ben Zunica

Here is another of our intermittent blogs during the #AARE2022 conference. If you want to cover a session at

Why the federal government must ditch Jobs Ready Graduates now

By Nick Bisley

New figures challenge the assumptions behind the Job-Ready Graduates package, introduced by the former Coalition government and unchanged