respectful relationships

What schools should do now the manosphere thinks it’s back in charge

By Stephanie Wescott and Steven Roberts

The men who helped Trump sweep to victory through inspiring young men to vote, such as billionaire investor

Six things schools need to do now to stop gendered violence

By Amanda Keddie

Wesley College refers sexual assault and harassment complaints to police (ABC News, March 2021) Abuse Scandal Shocks St

If you want gender justice, should you ban private boys’ schools?

By George Variyan

The “offensive and misogynistic behaviour” of elite private school boys that routinely erupts into the public consciousness is not an aberration. It is a byproduct of the heterosexist ‘machinery’ that organises relational life within these schools (Variyan & Wilkinson, under review).  There is strong evidence that young female teachers are being responsibilised for boys sexually

How sex ed can save the workplace and the world

A young student reveals he’s had “regular, valuable and powerful talks” about consent and respect but they haven’t had the “intended and crucial impact. One educator explains what should be done. By Georgia Carr I have sat in sex education classrooms and been amazed by what I’ve seen. Teachers who taught consent in great detail