The latest on PISA Creative Thinking results: Kylie Murphy: PISA results show thinking can be cultivated. Australian teachers …
Since PISA released its first creative thinking test results last week, there has been a flurry of commentary …
For the first time, global PISA data includes an assessment of fifteen-year-old students’ ‘creative thinking’. The 2022 results for this new measure are now out – and the implications challenge some beliefs about teaching creative thinking. Australia ranks fourth among the eighty-one participating countries. Australia’s ranking on creative thinking positions us just behind Singapore, South Korea, …
‘Critical’ and ‘creative’ are commonly used terms, but shared understandings of these terms are less frequent. Critical and …
From engaging on social media to attending virtual conferences, across the globe, academia has experienced how digital spaces …
Nurturing creativity is a key focus of twenty-first century educational and employment discourses here and around the world. …
Australia Day this year was marked by thousands of people marching against holding our national celebration on 26th January. …
The Creative Industries were included as a Strategy for 21st Century Australia by the Australian Government back in …
Once upon a time early childhood teachers used to learn singing and playing the piano, primary school teachers could study electives (and even majors) in areas such as drama and art, and universities could add new courses (such as ones in teacher as entrepreneur or global citizenship) through putting in a course variation form to …
I have a dream that this nation will achieve its full creative and economic potential and that Arts education will rightfully be seen as central to making this happen. It worries me that current thinking and policymaking around national innovation concentrates on increasing participation in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) subjects while the teaching …