mental health

What happens now to children and families after these horrors?

By Marg Rogers

In the aftermath of the horrors of the attacks in Bondi and Wakeley, many community members have been involved in or witnessed traumatic events. These can  impact mental health and family life, what we call events which cause moral injury.  Our team has co-created resources to support children who grow up in families where a

Why we must say YES to supporting mental health now

By Christine Grove and Alexandra Marinucci

Mental health exists on a continuum, so we need to teach young people how to obtain and maintain good mental health. The approach to include mental health education and literacy in schools needs to be targeted to suit youth needs, proactive and educational not clinical in nature.  Consult! Firstly, young people need to be consulted

If not now, then when is the right time to re-envisage what schools could be?

By Pasi Sahlberg and Sharon Goldfeld

The cold fact is that despite continuous reforms and growing investments over the past two decades, educational performance – and especially equitable performance – of Australia’s schools isn’t improving. Indeed, in many ways it is getting worse. Consider these statistics. Since 2000 Australia’s PISA scores have dropped 33 – 24 points in maths, reading, and

Could this one thing make students love school again?

By Linda Lorenza and Don Carter

School refusal has been labelled a “national trend” by the Senate education committee. Primary and secondary children are

We build submarines and the defence force. Now we must support the families who work in them

By Marg Rogers and Amy Johnson

The Federal Government has plans to expand Australian Defence Forces (ADF) to a 40-year high. They hope to increase the forces by 30% (18,500 extra personnel by 2040), the biggest increase since the Vietnam War. This will inevitably lead to an increase in the number of children and parents impacted by military service.  It won’t