Jason Clare

What is the tension between Jason Clare and Tony Burke?

By Daniel X. Harris

Dan Harris has given two keynotes at national education gatherings this year. This post is based on those

This is mistaken and disrespectful – a wasted opportunity

By Ange Fitzgerald, Terri Bourke and Julie McLeod

Teacher educators have been driving improvement in initial teacher education for decades. That’s been clear from as early as 1998 when the Australian Council of Deans of Education released “Preparing a Profession: Report of the National Standards  and Guidelines for Initial  Teacher Education Project”.  The report outlined the first program standards for ITE and, as

Universities Accord: Why this urgent deadline is mission (almost) impossible

By Andrew Norton

Every year Job-ready Graduates continues, with the top student contribution now above $15,000 a year, students charged this amount sink further into a debt that will take them many years, and potentially decades, to pay off.

Why the federal government must ditch Jobs Ready Graduates now

By Nick Bisley

New figures challenge the assumptions behind the Job-Ready Graduates package, introduced by the former Coalition government and unchanged

Why is there so much talk about teachers right now? Because we are afraid of them

By Meghan Stacey, Mihajla Gavin, Jessica Gerrard, Anna Hogan and Jessica Holloway

The federal minister for education Jason Clare convened a roundtable to solve the teacher shortage on the eve of the new government’s Job Summit. Items on the agenda? It wasn’t hard to go past working conditions, status, and a growing, chronic teacher shortage as the impetus for history-making industrial action and considerable media coverage. Concerns about