Education policy

Spurr’s recommendations for English fundamentally flawed

By Eileen Honan

If we follow the recommendations of the recently released national curriculum review for teaching English we will all

There is a better way to select prospective teachers than just by grade scores and interviews

By Terry Bowles

 Teacher selection and teacher education are back in the spotlight. Media and political attention is particularly focused on

Double standards and hypocrisy in Abbott Government’s higher education funding reforms

By Christopher Ziguras So far, the discussion of national higher education funding reforms has focused exclusively on Australian

Donnelly’s review set to limit future for young Australians

By Nicole Mockler

The final report of the Australian Curriculum Review conducted by Kevin Donnelly and Ken Wiltshire has recently been

Muddled thinking of Abbott Govt’s education policies undermines teachers and students

By Dr Eileen Honan

George Orwell wrote in 1984, “Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously,

Reid responds to Donnelly’s “inaccuracies and obfuscations”

By Alan Reid

My blog of 3/8/2014 was an edited version of the opening statement I made in a debate with

Myth buster: improving school attendance does not improve student outcomes

By James Ladwig and Allan Luke

Does improved student attendance lead to improved student achievement? Join prime ministers, premiers and education ministers from all sides of politics if you believe it does. They regularly tell us about the need to “improve” or “increase” attendance in order to improve achievement. We recently had unprecedented access to state government data on individual school

Kevin Donnelly replies:the Liberal Government’s policy of independent public schools will raise education standards in Australia

By Kevin Donnelly

(Note: What follows is an edited and expanded version of Dr Kevin Donnelly’s presentation at the recent ACSA

The Abbott Government’s policy of ‘independent public schools’ will lower standards and widen inequalities in Australian schools.

By Alan Reid

[NOTE:This is an edited version of the negative case against the Abbott Govt’s Independent Public Schools policy made

Novice teachers challenged by ability grouping contrary to evidence

By Matthew Clarke

In Australia across most school systems there is no informed, explicit and coherent policy approach to ability grouping.