Escape Oppression Now: Disrupt the Dominance of Evidence-Based Practice

By Nicole Brunker

Evidence-Based Practice dominates every Australian education system facilitated through government and non-government organisations including NSW’s Centre for Education

Tutoring: What lurks in the shadowy education sector

By Mohan Dhall

Very early in my teaching career, about 1996, I was asked to tutor a student whose parents had

Ten steps to student equity and success now

By Ian Li and Paul Koshy

The inaugural Australian Centre for Student Equity and Success (ACSES) Student Equity Symposium took place over 21-22 May

Civics: Is there enough room in the syllabus?

By Claire Golledge

Politicians and policy makers constantly express concern over students’ lack of civic knowledge and their lack of engagement

Now, more than ever, we need change in Indigenous education

By Marnee Shay, Jodie Miller, Danielle Armour and Suraiya Abdul Hameed

This week (May 27-31) is National Reconciliation Week. The theme this year is ‘Now more than ever’. We

Are student encampments sites of pedagogy and learning?

By Jane Kenway and Katie Maher

When you enter the encampment, you see colour: the red, green, black and white of Palestinian flags and

Want Indigenous university students to succeed? Here’s how

By Thu Pham, Levon Blue, Angela Baeza Pena, Peter Anderson and Melanie Saward

Recommendations in the Universities Accord reveal a focus on increasing enrolments of under-represented groups including  Aboriginal and Torres

Budget 2024: The government must support universities, students – and research

By Abigail Payne with data analysis from Ana Gamarra-Rondinel and Steeve Marchand

This is the third in a series of posts on the 2024 Budget. Today: higher education by the

Budget 2024: These early childhood educators love kids. But love won’t pay the bills

By Marg Rogers

This is the second in a series of posts on the 2024 Budget. Today: early childhood care and

BUDGET 2024: Why is the money for public schools still missing?

By Matthew Sinclair

This is first in a series of posts on the 2024 Budget. Today: school funding by Curtin University’s