

By 194 Australian educational researchers

To The Hon Christopher Pyne

Monday 21 July, 2014
CC: Shadow Minster, The Hon Kate Ellis

Dear Minister,

In a recent interview to 2UE on 15th July Kevin Donnelly, Director of the Education Standards Institute, stated:

“If the school community is in favour of it [corporal punishment] then I have not got a problem if it’s done properly”

There is no doubt, given this interview, that Kevin Donnelly has no objection to the use of corporal punishment in schools.

This statement is a reckless and inappropriate endorsement of archaic attitudes and practices in relation to the discipline of children both in schools and society.

In a community where neglect and violence against children has been on the increase, corporal punishment must be seen as a totally inappropriate and ineffective behaviour management strategy for schools.

A National Summit, Behaviour in Australian Schools: Current trends and possibilities, was held in South Australia last week with the clear aim of raising the profile of children and their rights as students in schools.

The Summit brought together significant research on the complexity of behaviour in schools.

This research provides new insights into the ways schools can engage students in their learning and schooling while respecting their dignity, treating them fairly, and allowing and encouraging them to continue their education. It critiqued punitive responses to misbehaviour and offered alternatives.

It is upon this kind of evidence-based research that a senior educational advisor to the government should base his comments.

Harking back to community standards of more than 30 years ago has no relevance to the realities of today or 21st century community expectations.

The educational researchers and other participants involved in the Summit were disconcerted by the comments made by Kevin Donnelly, especially as he is a senior educational advisor to the Federal Education Minister. In this role, the Australian public has a right to expect informed commentary and advice based on sound research.

We call on the government to remove Mr Donnelly from his position as advisor on any matters related to the education of children in Australia.

We call on the government to amend legislation to ensure that the children of Australia are protected from all forms of corporal punishment in schools.

For communication on this matter please phone:
 Dr Anna Sullivan 0402 965 844

1. Dr Anna Sullivan
Senior Lecturer
School of Education
University of South Australia
2. Professor Bruce Johnson
Adjunct Research Professor
School of Education
University of South Australia
3. Professor Susan Groundwater-Smith
Honorary Professor
Faculty of Education and Social Work
University of Sydney
4. Professor Jill Blackmore
Alfred Deakin Professor
School of Education
Deakin University
5. Professor Jane Kenway
Australian Professorial Fellow – Australian Research Council
Education Faculty
Monash University
6. Professor Parlo Singh
Professor of Education
Griffith Institute for Educational Research
Griffith University
7. Professor Donna Cross
Winthrop Professor
Telethon Kids Institute
The University of Western Australia
8. Professor Emeritus Alan Reid
Professor Emeritus
School of Education
University of South Australia
9. Professor Marie Brennan
College of Education
Victoria University
10. Professor John Smyth
Faculty of Education & Arts
Federation University Australia
11. Professor Barry Down
City of Rockingham Chair in Education
School of Education
Murdoch University
12. Professor Bob Lingard
Professorial Research Fellow
School of Education
The University of Queensland
13. Professor Bronwyn Davies
Professorial Fellow
University of Melbourne
14. Professor Michele Simons
Dean of Education
School of Education
University of Western Sydney
15. Professor Marilyn Campbell
Faculty of Education
Queensland University of Technology
16. Professor Margaret Somerville
Director Centre for Educational Research
School of Education
University of Western Sydney
17. Professor Marilyn Fleer
Faculty of Education
Monash University
18. Professor Jo-Anne Reid
Professor of Education
Faculty of Education
Charles Sturt University
19. Professor Martin Mills
School of Education
The University of Queensland
20. Professor Pat Drake
College of Education
Victoria University
21. Professor Sue Walker
Faculty of Education, Early Childhood
Queensland University of Technology
22. Professor Caroline Barratt-Pugh
Director of Centre for Research in Early Childhood
Edith Cowan University
23. Professor Lyn Yates
Melbourne Graduate School of Education
University of Melbourne
24. Professor Suzanne Carrington
Head of School
School of Cultural and Professional Learning, Faculty of Education
Queensland University of Technology
25. Professor Kay Whitehead
Deputy Dean
School of Education
Flinders University
26. Professor Rosalyn Shute
Adjunct Professor of Psychology
Flinders University and Federation University Australia
27. Professor Helen Nixon
Adjunct Professor
Faculty of Education
Queensland University of Technology
28. Professor Stephen Dobson
Interim Dean and Head of School of Education
School of Education
University of South Australia
29. Professor Sandy Schuck
Professor of Education, Director of Research Training, FASS
School of Education, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
University of Technology Sydney
30. Professor Beverly Derewianka
Professorial Fellow
Faculty of Education
University of Wollongong
31. Emeritus Professor Robert Crotty
Emeritus Professor of Religion and Education
School of Education
University of South Australia
32. Associate Professor Robert Hattam
Director Centre of Research in Education
School of Education
University of South Australia
33. Associate Professor Debra Bateman
Deputy Dean – Learning & Teaching
Global Urban and Social Studies
RMIT University
34. Associate Professor Catherine Doherty
Senior Research Fellow
Faculty of Education
Queensland University of Technology
35. Associate Professor Bill Eckersley
Director of Learning and Teaching
College of Education
Victoria University
36. Associate Professor Leanne Lester
Associate Professor
The University of Western Australia
37. Associate Professor Annette Woods
Associate Professor
School of Early Childhood
Queensland University of Technology
38. Associate Professor Susanne Gannon
Associate Professor
School of Education/ Centre for Educational Research
University of Western Sydney
39. Associate Professor Rosie Le Cornu
Adjunct Associate Professor
School of Education
University of South Australia
40. Associate Professor Kerry Bissaker
Associate Dean (International)
School of Education
Flinders University
41. Associate Professor Dr Leonie Rowan
Associate Professor
School of Education and Professional Studies
Griffith University
42. Associate Professor Beryl Exley
Associate Professor
Faculty of Education
Queensland University of Technology
43. Associate Professor Helen Askell-Williams
Associate Dean Research, Director Flinders Educational Futures Research Institute
School of Education
Flinders University
44. Associate Professor Tarquam McKenna
Associate Professor of Education
College of Education
Victoria University
45. Associate Professor Judith MacCallum
Associate Professor
School of Education
Murdoch University
46. Associate Professor Gloria Dall’Alba
Associate Professor
The University of Queensland
47. Associate Professor Susan Hill
School of Education
University of South Australia
48. Associate Professor Anne Power
Academic Course Advisor
School of Education
University of Western Sydney
49. Associate Professor Robyn Henderson
Associate Professor
University of Southern Queensland
50. Associate Professor Peter Hudson
Associate Professor
Queensland University of Technology
51. Associate Professor Robbie Collins
Head of Campus
Shoalhaven Campus
University of Wollongong
52. Associate Professor Dr Brian Cambourne A.M.
Principal Fellow
School of Education
University of Wollongong
53. Associate Professor Andrea Reupert
Associate Professor and psychologist
Krongold Centre
Faculty of Education
Monash University
54. Associate Professor Phillip Payne
Associate Professor
Faculty of Education
Monash University
55. Associate Professor Jo Lampert
Associate Professor
Faculty of Education
Queensland University of Technology
56. Associate Professor Mary Keeffe
Associate Professor Inclusive Education
Faculty of Education
La Trobe University
57. Associate Professor Philip Riley
Associate Professor of Educational Leadership
Australian Catholic University
58. Associate Professor Jorge Srabstein
Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry, MD, DLFAPA, DLFAACAP
School of Medicine
George Washington University, USA
59. Dr Jan Turbill
Honorary Senior Fellow
School of Education
University of Wollongong
60. Dr Katina Zammit
Senior Lecturer
School of Education
University of Western Sydney
61. Dr Janet Dyment
Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Education
University of Tasmania
62. Dr David Zyngier
Senior Lecturer Curriculum and Pedagogy
Faculty of Education
Monash University
63. Dr Noelene Weatherby-Fell
Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Education
University of Wollongong
64. Dr Jennifer Angwin
Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Art and Education
Deakin University
65. Dr Sue Nichols
Senior Lecturer
School of Education
University of South Australia
66. Dr Julianne Lynch
Senior Lecturer
School of Education
Deakin University
67. Dr Andrea Gallant
Senior Lecturer
Faculty Arts and Education
Deakin University
68. Dr Muriel Wells
Senior Lecturer
School of Education
Deakin University
69. Dr Julie White
Senior Research Fellow
The Victoria Institute
Victoria University
70. Dr Barbara Spears
Senior Lecturer
School of Education
University of South Australia
71. Dr Victoria Whitington
Associate Head of School: Teaching & Learning
School of Education
University of South Australia
72. Dr Mark Selkrig
Senior lecturer
College of Education
Victoria University
73. Dr Caroline Mansfield
Senior Lecturer
School of Education
Murdoch University
74. Dr Nado Aveling
Senior Lecturer
School of Education
Murdoch University
75. Dr Annabelle Leve
Arts and Education
Deakin University
76. Dr Natasha Pearce
Senior Research Fellow
Edith Cowan University
77. Dr Kevin Runions
Senior Research Fellow
Telethon Kids Institute
The University of Western Australia
78. Dr Eva Dobozy
Senior Lecturer
School of Education
Curtin University
79. Dr Mark Vicars
Senior Lecturer
College of Education
Victoria University
80. Dr Laura Perry
Senior Lecturer
Murdoch University
81. Dr Jo Ailwood
Senior Lecturer
School of Education
The University of Newcastle
82. Dr Dorothy Bottrell
Senior Lecturer, Social Pedagogy & Honorary Senior Lecturer
Victoria University
University of Sydney
83. Dr Anne Cloonan
Senior Lecturer
School of Education
Deakin University
84. Dr Martin Andrew
Senior Lecturer, Education/TESOL
College of Education
Victoria University
85. Dr Lyndal O’Gorman
Senior Lecturer
School of Early Childhood, Faculty of Education
Queensland University of Technology
86. Dr Jorge Knijnik
Senior Lecturer
School of Education
University of Western Sydney
87. Dr Susanne Owen
Academic Developer/Adjunct Senior Research Fellow
Learning and Teaching Unit/School of Education
University of South Australia
88. Dr Elizabeth Hirst
formerly Senior Lecturer
School of Education
Griffith University
89. Dr Sally Knipe
Course Director (Secondary Programs)
School of Education
Charles Sturt University
90. Dr Janean Robinson
Research Associate
School of Education
Murdoch University
91. Dr Neil Hooley
College of Education
Victoria University
92. Dr Jenni Carter
School of Education
University of South Australia
93. Dr Jamie Sisson
School of Education
University of South Australia
94. Dr Ngoc Doan
Research Assistant
School of Education
University of South Australia
95. Dr Judith Peters
Adjunct Lecturer in Education
School of Education
University of South Australia
96. Dr Yarrow Andrew
School of Education
Flinders University
97. Dr Clare McCarty
School of Education
Flinders University
98. Dr Margaret Scrimgeour
Lecturer (adjunct)
School of Education
University of South Australia
99. Dr Jane Hunter
School of Education
University of Western Sydney
100. Dr Robyne Garrett
School of Education
University of South Australia
101. Dr Jo Raphael
Lecturer in Drama Education
Faculty of Arts and Education
Deakin University
102. Dr Kate Johnstone
Lecturer in Education (Pedagogy and Curriculum)
School of Education
Deakin University
103. Dr Catharine Simmons
Research Associate
Centre for Children and Young People
Southern Cross University
104. Dr Bev Rogers
School of Education
Flinders University
105. Dr Grant Banfield
School of Education
Flinders University
106. Dr Kerry Renwick
College of Education
Victoria University
107. Dr Efrat Eilam
College of Education
Victoria University
108. Dr Ahmad Samarji
College of Education
Victoria University
109. Dr Louise Phillips
The University of Queensland
110. Dr Peter Arnold
Research Associate
School of Education
University of South Australia
111. Dr Tony Daly
Research Associate
School of Education
University of South Australia
112. Dr Garth Stahl
School of Education
University of South Australia
113. Dr David Caldwell
School of Education
University of South Australia
114. Dr Donnah Anderson
Research Associate
Centre for Children and Young People
Southern Cross University
115. Dr Christina Gowlett
Lecturer in Curriculum Studies
School of Education
The University of Queensland
116. Dr Melanie Baak
Research Associate
School of Education
University of South Australia
117. Dr Jana Visnovska
Lecturer in Mathematics Education
The University of Queensland
118. Dr Stewart Riddle
School of Teacher Education and Early Childhood
University of Southern Queensland
119. Dr Lisa Davies
Adjunct Lecturer
School of Education
University of South Australia
120. Dr Kimberley McMahon-Coleman
Learning Development Lecturer
University of Wollongong
121. Dr Barbara Garrick
School of Education and Professional Studies
Griffith University
122. Dr Sarah Tartakover
College of Education
Victoria University
123. Dr Sam Schulz
School of Education
Flinders University
124. Dr Rachel Buchanan
Lecturer in Educational Foundations
University of Newcastle
125. Dr Steven Hodge
School of Education and Professional Studies
Griffith University
126. Dr Nicholas Hookway
Sociology lecturer
School of Social Sciences
University of Tasmania
127. Dr Annabelle Leve
Deakin University
128. Dr Michelle Morgan
recent PhD graduate
School of Education
University of Queensland
129. Dr Mirella Wyra
School of Education
Flinders University
130. Dr Paul Unsworth
School of Education
University of South Australia
131. Dr Gudrun Colbow
School of Education
The University of Queensland
132. Dr Roslyn (Rose) Carnes
University of Notre Dame
133. Mr Bill Lucas
Senior Lecturer
School of Education
University of South Australia
134. Ms Wendy Piltz
Senior Lecturer
School of Education
University of South Australia
135. Mr Peter Walker
Lecturer Special Education
School of Education
Flinders University
136. Ms Lisa Langdon
Teacher Children’s Services
College of Education
Victoria University
137. Ms Rose Ashton
Literacy Consultant
South Australia
138. Ms Marie Crotty
Retired Senior Lecturer
School of Education
University of South Australia
139. Ms Anna Rogers
Lecturer Mathematics Education
School of Education
University of South Australia
140. Mrs Donna Carr
Project Leader
Murdoch University
141. Ms Deborah Green
School of Education
University of South Australia
142. Ms Terri Redpath
Deakin University
143. Ms Kerry Bennetto
Professional Experience Officer
School of Education
Deakin University
144. Ms Christine Schulz
Teacher Educator
School of Education
Deakin University
145. Mr Roland Wilson
Associate Lecturer/Academic Advisor
Yunggorendi First Nation Centre for Higher Education and Research
Flinders University
146. Ms Roz Anderson
Office of Indigenous Academic Support
Charles Darwin University
147. Ms Sue Bennett
School of Education
Deakin University
148. Mr Tony Edwards
College of Education
Victoria University
149. Ms Deb Moulton
Teaching and Learning Consultant
School of Natural and Built Environments
University of South Australia
150. Mr Lawry Mahon
College of Education
Victoria University
151. Ms Mata Kalyvas
School of Education
University of South Australia
152. Mr Bruce Underwood
Coordinator Anangu Tertiary Education Program
School of Education
University of South Australia
153. Ms Therese Lovett
School of Education
University of South Australia
154. Ms Robyne Lesley
School of Education
University of South Australia
155. Ms Rosemary Arnold
former classroom teacher & school principal
156. Ms Lisa Mahoney
School of Education
University of South Australia
157. Ms Janine Roberts
Learning Designer
The University of Queensland
158. Ms Geraldine Ditchburn
Murdoch University
159. Mr Ryan Spencer
Clinical Teaching Specialist
University of Canberra
160. Ms Sonja Kuzich
Lecturer, Curriculum and Pedagogy
School of Education
Curtin University of Technology
161. Ms Piper Rodd
Deakin University
162. Mr Jamie Harvey
Lecturer, Middle schooling
School of Education
Flinders university
163. Ms Rebecca Stephenson
Professional Experience Officer
& Primary School Teacher
School of Education
Deakin University
164. Ms Helen Earl
Faculty of Social Sciences, Teacher Education
University of Technology Sydney
165. Ms Kate Hadwen
Head of Senior School &
Adjunct Senior Research Fellow
The Peninsula School, VIC
Edith Cowan University
166. Miss Patricia Cardoso
Public Health Lecturer
School of Exercise and Health Sciences
Edith Cowan University
167. Ms Narelle Alderman
Project Advisor
Child Health Promotion Research Centre
Edith Cowan University


These researchers have also added their names to the list.

168. Professor Roger Slee Director, The Victoria Institute for Education, Diversity and Lifelong Learning, , Victoria University

169. Professor Emeritus Merv Hyde AM PhD, Acting Head of School of Education, Academic , Director: International Projects Group, Faculty of Science, Health, Education and Engineering, University of the Sunshine Coast

170. Associate Professor Jenny Jay, Associate Professor for Early Childhood Studies, School of Education, Curtin University

171. Associate Professor Sue Thomas, Associate Professor, School of Education and Professional Studies, Griffith University

172. Dr Nicole Mockler Senior Lecturer, School of Education, University of Newcastle

173. Dr Stephen Hay Senior Lecturer, School of Education and Professional Studies, Griffith University

174. Dr Sharn Donnison Portfolio Leader for Initial Teacher Education, School of Education, University of the Sunshine Coast

175. Dr Lennie Barblett, Senior Lecturer, School of Education, Edith Cowan University

176. Dr Kumara Ward, Lecturer, Early Childhood, School of Education, University Of Western Sydney

177. Dr Robyn Johnston, Research Fellow Child Health Promotion Research Centre, School of Exercise and Health Science, Edith Cowan University

178. Ms Tommy Cordin, Senior Research Fellow, Telethon Kids Institute, University of Western Australia

179. Mr Kenneth Young, Lecturer, School of Education, University of the Sunshine Coast

180. Ms Jane Merewether, Lecturer Early Childhood Education, School of Education, Curtin University

181. Mr David Hornsby, Literacy Consultant, Author

182. Ms Heather McKee, Research Assistant, Telethon Kids Institute, The University of Western Australia

183. Ms Wendy Goff, Lecturer, Faculty of Education, Monash University

184. Dr Lisa McKay-Brown, Lecturer, Special Education, Inclusion and Early Intervention, Melbourne Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne

185.Ms Lisa Burmann, Pedagogical Consultant, Adelaide SA

186. Bruce White, School of Education, UniSA

187. Huong Nguyen, PhD student, School of Education, University of Queensland

188. Professor Margaret Sims, Professor of Early Childhood, University of New England

189. Dr Margaret Kettle, Senior Lecturer, Queensland University of Technology

190. Dr Alison Wrench, Lecturer, School of Education, University of South Australia

191. Mr Jeff Meiners, Lecturer, School of Education, University of South Australia

192. Ms Sally Windsor, Lecturer, Melbourne Graduate School of Education (MGSE), Melbourne University

193. Dr Frank Davies, Head of the School of Education, Tabor Adelaide.

194. Dr Mark Sorrell, Senior Lecturer, School of Education, Tabor Adelaide

195. Professor Blaya Catherine, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Education,  Chair of the International Observatory of Violence in Schools, University Nice Sophia Antipolis, France

196. Vee Mignone, teacher, Mount Barker Primary School, Mount Barker, SA

197. Sherridan Emery, PhD Candidate & Teacher Educator, Faculty of Education, University of Tasmania

198. Dr Christine Gardner, University Associate, Faculty of Education, University of Tasmania

199. Joy Murray, Senior Research Fellow, University of Sydney

If you are an educational researcher and would like to add your name to this list please post your name and title in the comments section below.



  1. Ms Wendy Goff says:

    Faculty of Education
    Monash University

  2. Ms Wendy Goff says:

    Please add my name to the list. I agree with the open letters call.

  3. Maralyn Parker says:

    So now there are 183 researchers calling for Donnelly to be dumped

  4. Lisa McKay-Brown says:

    Please add my name to this letter. Dr Lisa McKay-Brown, Lecturer, Special Education, Inclusion and Early Intervention, Melbourne Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne.

  5. Maralyn Parker says:

    Thanks Lisa. Yours is the 184th signature.

  6. Lisa Burman says:

    I would like to add my name to this list if appropriate, although I am not associated with a university. Many thanks
    Ms Lisa Burman
    Pedagogical Consultant
    Adelaide SA

  7. Dianne Butland says:

    Let children have education , stop government and religious manipulation of education . Donnelly is not an educator .
    I have been an educator for 40 years !

  8. Anna Sullivan says:

    Thank you for your support Wendy and Lisa.

  9. Huong Nguyen says:

    Could you please add my name? Thanks! I have a son studying in an primary state school. He’s happy that his teachers only explain things to him and never beat him or anything like that.

    Huong Nguyen
    PhD student
    School of Education
    University of Queensland

  10. Bruce White says:

    Please add my name to the list
    Bruce White, School of Education, UniSA

  11. Sally Windsor says:

    Please add my name. Thank you

    Ms Sally Windsor
    Lecturer, Melbourne Graduate School of Education (MGSE), Melbourne University.

  12. Margaret Cameron says:

    It is not appropriate that educational policy be determined by individual opinion, but on consensus from research of effective practice. This is not what I see in the throwaway comment by Mr Donnelly.
    Senior Lecturer in Education, Tabor Adelaide.

  13. Heather says:

    Please add my name to the list as a Teacher (and ‘transformative intellectual’ rather than an ‘outdated power mungering out of control hothead’ )

  14. Maralyn Parker says:

    Heather thanks for your support. What institution are you attached to?

  15. Lena Ford says:

    I add my name to the list as well.
    I have been in education for 40 years as teacher, tutor, coach and consultant and am appalled with such backward, narrow, uninformed and reckless intentions, from a supposedly, national guide and model for education!
    Enough IS enough!

  16. Tracey Price says:

    Which is likely to be most effective in the C21st…traditional educational practice based on uninformed opinion or innovative and creative practice based on the lessons of history combined with current research?

    Secondary Program Coordinator & Senior Lecturer, School of Education, Tabor Adelaide.

  17. Dr Frank Davies says:

    Please add me to the list

    Dr Frank Davies
    Head of the School of Education
    Tabor Adelaide.

  18. Mark Sorrell says:

    Please add me.

    Dr Mark Sorrell
    Senior Lecturer
    School of Education
    Tabor Adelaide

  19. Adrienne Cullity says:

    I’m a mother and music educator. There is no place for corporal punishment, period.

  20. Please add my signature to the list. I am a PhD candidate researching children’s cultural wellbeing in education. I may be early into the candidacy, but already it is evident in the literature children need for their school to be a ‘safe space’ if it is to be a place of wellbeing. Corporal punishment creates entirely the opposite conditions for children, whose rights to schooling where disciplining respects children and their dignity are protected under Article 28 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Australia is a signatory to this convention and therefore must adhere to its tenets.
    Sherridan Emery
    PhD Candidate & Teacher Educator
    Faculty of Education
    University of Tasmania

  21. Joy Murray says:

    Please add my name to the list:

    Joy Murray
    Senior Research Fellow
    University of Sydney

  22. Christine Gardner says:

    Please add me to the list!

    Dr Christine Gardner
    University Associate
    Faculty of Education
    University of Tasmania

  23. Dr. Tom Langston says:

    Please add my name to the list.
    Dr. Tom Langston
    Educational researcher and former school teacher.

  24. Maralyn Parker says:

    Thanks for you support Tom, which institution are you attached to?

  25. Please add my name to the list of people protesting about Mr Donnelly’s comment.

  26. I am so pleased to see such strong support for decency and respect for children. I am no longer employed but have worked over several decades in child welfare issues. I know Donnelly’s work values and am not surprised that the Minister would give him this gig. That’s the sort of researcher he is.

Comments are closed.

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