Behaviour: Senators ignored the research

Schools are workplaces as well as places of learning. All those who work in them have the right to feel safe. Clearly, not all teachers feel safe. The interim report of the Senate Education and Employment References Committee: The issue of increasing disruption in Australian school classrooms and the submissions to it provide evidence for

Welcome to the second #AARE2023 blog of the conference

And that’s the last post for the day. Thank you for reading. See you tomorrow. The following post is by Lizzie Mann, doctoral student, Flinders University Teachers are storytellers. We should listen The grey gloom couldn’t dampen the energy and excitement at the AARE Conference. It was an absolute pleasure to present my forthcoming doctoral

So wrong: Inspirational campaigns will never work. Here’s why

The Federal government recently launched two high profile campaigns to attract people into the teaching profession.  The first seeks to raise the status of teaching through a series of rather saccharine videos showcasing inspirational classroom teacher stories as “Be That Teacher” “Be That Teacher”. Costing a whopping $10 million this glossy marketing strategy aims to

Write at the start, all kids need to keyboard

In Australia, children are expected to develop computer-based writing skills as soon as they start schooling yet the writing performance of students is plateauing or even declining.   Across the globe, results from national standardised tests show a large percentage of students writing at or below basic proficiency. That includes Australia.   The role of research in

Timid thinking no longer cuts it. Change is needed now

Their buildings are substandard— cheap and poorly ventilated.  Their classrooms are under resourced and uninviting. Their gardens are sparce and bleak.  Their play and sports grounds are inadequate— frequently small and ill equipped. Their students often struggle at school and their families often struggle at home. Money is scarce, employment and housing are insecure and

One day to go: the great education reckoning as parties eye the election prize

The ‘education election’? Before heading to the polling booths this Saturday, we take stock of how the major political parties, and the newly formed Public Education Party, stack up over their policies and priorities for education.  It has been a difficult time for public education over the last decade. Research has documented that the teaching

Could this one thing make students love school again?

School refusal has been labelled a “national trend” by the Senate education committee. Primary and secondary children are not attending school and it is not because of cold symptoms or COVID. The problem of school refusal is international. The Dutch program “Knowing What Works” identifies interventions that work in helping young people who struggle with

Politicians screaming HALT: Why teachers now need so much more than this

The Highly Accomplished or Lead Teacher (HALT) program has been called a “badge searching for a role” but amid the political machinations in NSW, it’s taking on new angles –  as a timely pre-election promise and a reusable political football.  Sarah Mitchell, NSW Education minister, has a goal: the appointment of a further 2,500 HALTs

What happens now to students who are first-in-family to go to university?

Students who are the first in their family to attend university remain severely under-represented, despite policy efforts to widen participation in Australian higher education.  Many first-in-family students come from low socioeconomic backgrounds, and, as a result, there has been extensive focus on how social class influences their experiences at university. However, there has been significantly

When school’s in a caravan on the road to an astonishing world

One of the more reported side-effects of the COVID disruption has been the increase in families choosing to educate their children outside of mainstream schools (see the latest Queensland homeschooling statistics as an example of the growth in families choosing to exit the school system). While home education, frequently called homeschooling, has seen incredible growth